Fiat justitia ruat caelum.
"Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall."

Watch for Declan & Aeyla Jean Selectively Shown on the East Coast
We recuse ourselves from exhibiting to any Judges with relatives in their Pedigrees.

Declan (Glinir Austri)-Exclusively Owner Handled 20 months old

“There are many people, particularly in sports, who think that success and excellence are the same thing. They are NOT the same thing.

Excellence is something that is lasting and dependable and largely within a person's control. In contrast, success is perishable and is often outside our control.

If you strive for excellence, you will probably be successful eventually. People who put excellence IN the first place have the patience to end up with success.

An additional burden for the victim of the success mentality is that he is threatened by the success of others and he resents real excellence. In contrast, the person that is fascinated by quality is excited when he sees it in others.”

Joe Paterno

Declan~GlitnirAustri 15 months old

Declan ~ Glitnir Austri 15 months old

Declan & ALL Angelsun Dogs are EXCLUSIVELY Owner Handled
Kaitlin Jeanette Smith

  • NO "Best Friends"

  • NOT a Professional here and there

  • NO Breeder Interventions

  • Declan 21 Months Old ~ Only his 12th time in the AKC Show Ring

    Copyright 2008-2014 Kelly Lynn Smith
    Not to be reproduced or distributed in ANY form without express written permission.

    All photos on this website were taken by Angelsun Photos unless otherwise credited.
    Please note that various pages are in Flash format and cannot be viewed on mobile devices.

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